Mr. Dance should focus on three important priorities.
First, continue to advance reforms that make the school system more open to
the public and accountable to taxpayers. Over the past year, the Board of
Education has taken some important steps, such as making more facilities available to communities.
Second, work with our teachers to raise achievement among all students, but
particularly the county's burgeoning minority population. Under
Superintendent Hairston's watch, the school system was credited by the Schott
Foundation for having the third highest graduation rate for African American
males among large school districts.
Third, develop a strategic plan for modernizing our schools. During tough times, the county has found the resources to deal with overcrowding in its most overcrowded region, the York Road corridor. Now is the time to develop a plan so we spend future surpluses wisely, on school modernization, expansion, and land acquisition.
I know that all education stakeholders are ready to work with Mr. Dance to
improve an already strong public school system.