Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Legislation Will Create Open Space Zoning Designation

At our February 6th meeting, Baltimore County Councilman Tom Quirk and I will introduce legislation that creates a no-build zoning overlay in Baltimore County.

The legislation creates a “Neighborhood Commons Overlay District” that would permit only open space or minor recreational structures within the property.  The overlay district could only be implemented during the Comprehensive Zoning Map Process, and would apply to a property held by a nonprofit entity such as NeighborSpace of Baltimore County within the urbanized part of Baltimore County.   It would also apply to common areas owned by homeowners associations.

This is the first no-build zoning overlay of its kind in Baltimore County.  Should the County Council adopt the legislation, the new zone could be used for this year’s Comprehensive Zoning Map Process. 

I am very proud of this legislation; there has been a significant amount of research as we crafted the bill, and I consider it a very important initiative.

Over the past thirteen months, the Baltimore County Council has enacted numerous reforms to the development process.  This bill will create an additional layer of protection for our communities.

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